Ecclesall Woods to Millhouses Park

A woodland walk to the park

Postcode for your walk:

Dobcroft Road, S7 2LU


2-5 miles (3.2 to 8km)

How long does the full route take:

30-60 minutes

What is the terrain like?

Sometimes muddy

Difficulty rating of the walk (balancing distance, terrain and gradient)?

2 out of 5

Is the walk suitable for people with limited mobility and wheelchair users? (difficult to navigate terrain, stiles etc.)

No – muddy terrain

Is parking available?

Have to find place to park

Are there toilets or a café?

Toilets and cafe

Child and dog friendly?

Suitable for little feet and dog friendly (on lead)

Anything else you feel is useful to add?

Enter woods via footpath adjacent to 146 Dobcroft Road. Follow signs in woods to Abbeydale Road South.