Rother Valley park

An easy going walk around the lake

Postcode for your walk:

S20 3RW


2-5 miles (3.2 to 8km)

How long does the full route take:

1-2 hours

What is the terrain like?

Very weather dependant (see below)

Difficulty rating of the walk (balancing distance, terrain and gradient)?

It has a mixture of terrains depending on the weather. If it’s dry, it’s stone/concrete path, but it can get muddy and have lots of puddles when it rains.

Route website (if applicable):

Rother Valley country park website

Is the walk suitable for people with limited mobility and wheelchair users? (difficult to navigate terrain, stiles etc.)

Yes, it is mainly flat.

How do you access the walk by public transport?

The nearest tram stop is Waterthorpe, but it is about a 10-15 minute walk.

The number 30 also goes through the Sothall estate near to the Sheffield entrance, but would be another 5 minute walk to the entrance.

Is parking available?

Yes, car park or parking area (free)

Are there toilets or a café?

Toilets and cafe

Child and dog friendly?

Suitable for pushchairs and little feet. Dog friendly (on and off lead)

Anything else you feel is useful to add?

The post code provided is to the nearest business.

This is the free entrance to Rother Valley, which isn’t advertised on the park’s main website. The postcode above is for the nearest business which is next to the free car park. It is easy to find once parked up.

It’s a great easy going walk around the lake, there are benches along the route and half way round, you will find the toilets and cafe. There is also a playground and train for the children. There used to be animals to feed, but they haven’t been there since lockdown. You can drive to the main entrance, but there is a fee to enter (this should be stated on the website).